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Sometimes I write about the Valley. It is a type of meditation that was developed by Carlo Lopez. You quiet the mind and let your spirit speak to you through elements of the Valley; River, Fire, Lion, your bird to the left, your four-legged animal to the right, to name a few. It is a journey worth making.

Sunday, January 22

The boy and his Lion

The boy stood there
guarding the Lion,
his Lion.
“There was a girl here once,
a fighter,
and I will not let her back here again.”
He looked up at me
with defiant eyes
bluer than the sky,
deeper than the sea,
beyond his years.
I came down to meet his face,
“What did the fighter do?”
His eyes pierced but
I could see that hint,
that touch, of sadness.
“She did what she pleased,
she pushed and
she came and
she was the Lioness
to my Lion
and she ran.”
The boy crossed his arms
as though speaking of this
would somehow jeopardize his heart,
his Lion,
his wellbeing.
I touched his arm
hoping to undo his stance,
urging him to look into me
When he looked at me,
this time,
he could see it.
In my eyes he could see
the fighter
with her mage
dipping in that sea
as they used to,
greeting the night
and kissing goodbye the morning
as they used to.
And though he was afraid
the boy mage could not look away;
the strength in his arms
the bite in his eyes
And after so long,
the fighter and the mage
looked at one another
and neither one was

(Also posted on my Medium blog.)

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