Description of blog

Sometimes I write about the Valley. It is a type of meditation that was developed by Carlo Lopez. You quiet the mind and let your spirit speak to you through elements of the Valley; River, Fire, Lion, your bird to the left, your four-legged animal to the right, to name a few. It is a journey worth making.

Tuesday, October 30

Triphilia tessellation by Robin Scholz

Monday, October 29

Cycle of howls

Wolf looks at the ground, at our feet, and feels the Terra under her paws. Every step we make, we feel it as if it was coming inside us from contact. As if we were deep in it. She should howl, we should howl, others are doing it, but comes only a low sound. We feel deeper in Terra, and the moon that calls us, and suddenly we lift our head and howl.
And the moon feels the Metallo in our howl.
And the moon is shining on Acqua, moving it on land.
And Acqua breathes on Legno, growing tall.
And Legno one day falls, and Fuoco sparks in it.
And Fuoco quiets down to ashes and rejoins Terra.

I hear Wolf howling again.