Description of blog

Sometimes I write about the Valley. It is a type of meditation that was developed by Carlo Lopez. You quiet the mind and let your spirit speak to you through elements of the Valley; River, Fire, Lion, your bird to the left, your four-legged animal to the right, to name a few. It is a journey worth making.

Wednesday, May 31

Acariciar el eterno

Mi mano acaricia
el aire
buscando amor
y compañía,
buscando besos
y sonrisas.
De repente siento
tus dedos,
y tu suave piel,
y aquí encuentro

Monday, May 29


like a deep
like a soft

Thursday, May 25

Ginkgo in Spring

Oh, ginkgo tree

I've seen your
bright greens of
and your
explosion of yellow
in fall;
I've seen your
quiet winter
and now finally I see
your ancient rebirth,
your newborn sage

Tuesday, May 23

A joyous woman

I saw a woman laughing
and I saw light in
her eyes
and her strange teeth
were somehow
in this wide grin,
and her laugh
in my ears
so that
I knew what joy
sounded like.
And her wild hair
was the hair of
a Lion,
and full of heart.
And when her laugh
was done,
I licked my lips
as she did,
and I tucked my hair
behind my ear,
as she did,
and I looked in the mirror
with a smile

Thursday, May 18

When I read my poetry outloud

When I read my poetry
out loud
I feel your lips on mine
as I say every word.
It’s as though
every touch of the lips
makes my voice stronger,
my words louder,
my heart brighter

Thursday, May 11

A moment in the night

The smell of night air makes me feel free. Like I can go anywhere, be anyone, be anything, in the blink of an eye. Nothing is too great, too small, or impossible. Nothing is out of reach - even you, God, myself. The grass underneath my feet is so thick that it feels like a ground of sponge but... as I run my feet through it, I can feel every single blade. I feel as full as this grass... and each blade is a moment, a kiss, a smile shared between us in this lifetime, the previous ones and the next. It seems finite but I know it is infinite; in each moment there is more grass and at this rate maybe one day I'll reach the sun... But for this moment, I enjoy the moon, the the curve of my lips, the wind on my skin, the sound of your breath, your smell and the night dancing together to the music of flowing water from River, roaring waves of the Sea, cawing from Crow, low sounds from Lion, howling from Wolf, all lulling me to sleep. Everything telling me: sleep and rest your head.

Thursday, May 4

Words of no words

the world is so
even a poet runs
out of words;
wanting to
feel it
instead of
wanting to
kiss it
instead of

Wednesday, May 3


I see our
rocking back and
like waves
and I'm not sure
if I'm body or
but I know
I am light
and will stay

Tuesday, May 2

Proof in your kiss

I know time
doesn't exist
when I close my eyes
and feel every kiss
you've given me
on every
part of me:
from my forehead to
my toes,
from my fingertips
to my soul.
And I feel every kiss
you've yet to make
and they feel
more real,
more a part of me,
than my own skin

Monday, May 1

Our first Spring

I didn't get a chance
to feel the spring
but my heart felt
the summer
and its deep greens
and its musical waves.
And my heart felt
the autumn,
its explosion of colors
and its chorus of laughter.
And my heart felt
the winter
and its profound silence
and its light despite the dark.
But my heart can't wait
to feel the spring
and embrace its rebirth
and feel how all the birds that
are me,
and all the flowers that
are you.
And we will sing
and we will blossom
towards the warmth of the sun,
towards the light of God